I am teaching the Little Buddha class on Thursday Jan 13th 6-8 pm
and I am so excited to be able to offer this! :)
This class comes from Katri- my zoning teacher-it is a great way to learn:
* To balance your energy field in the physical, emotional and mental
* To balance your glands,
*Raise your life energy
* And erase negative imprints.
The best thing I think is that you can teach your kids this stuff, it is a great tool for them to have! It has to be done with your OWN energy- that means you have to do it on yourself- and you can do it everyday! The first hour of class I am going to go over the glandular system fairly in depth then after wards we will practice and go over it on ourselves- this is something your kids can come to! :) The first hour all the kids will play in the playroom downstairs- hopefully nicely :) and I will go over the systems then the last hour we will go over it on our own feet - fun stuff! :)
* Kids 5 and older are welcome- younger ones would have a hard time in the class setting and would probably just make it hard for you to learn but young-ens can still do this- beck does it- sort of- right now I take his own hand in mine and do it on his feet with his hand- it has to be his energy :)
The class is Thursday Jan 13th 6-8 pm at my house, it is 60$ ( that is for you and any little ones you bring) and that includes the book from Katri and my own notes that accompany it about the systems.
It will be a lot of fun! I have to buy the books by Jan 4th so I need to have your payment by then and let me know how many people are coming- I can only accommodate so many. Space is limited so let me know soon!